THE UPSIDE with Callie and Jeff Dauler

'Today, I am grateful for ... '

Callie and Jeff Dauler have been practicing daily gratitude since the early days of their relationship, leaving morning notes for each other on index cards that each started with those five words. Neither of them describe themselves as naturally positive, but they attribute this exercise with reprogramming their brain to allow them to instinctively look for the upside in any challenging situation.

Callie is a talent assistant who is insightful, sensitive, and kind. Jeff is a radio personality and comedian who loves to make people laugh and usually says what everyone else is thinking. They've been married since 2016 (Callie’s first, Jeff’s second) and are working on their first human baby. (They’re already parents to two rescue dogs, Sadie and Lily.)

You're going to hear real talk about real life, and you're going to laugh ... a LOT. The ups and downs of life. The exciting and the mundane and the embarrassing. Pop culture and news and whatever else comes to mind. All on the table for this show ... and all with one theme: LIVE FOR THE UPSIDE.

Callie and Jeff know that sometimes, no matter how positively you want to process things, life hits you so hard that it seems impossible. That will be addressed as well, but never in a preachy, 'they've got all the answers' way.

"Everyone's journey is different. We're not going to tell you how to take yours. But we want to share some things we know that might make it easier for you," is how Jeff describes their show.

For more: follow @calliedauler & @jeffdauler on Instagram.
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