Very Bad Wizards

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.

We have a loyal listening audience that has grown organically over the last 6 years, and who are eager to support the podcast. We have lively communities where our listeners discuss our episodes on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.

We take our ad reads seriously, and enjoy treating each read as a mini-discussion, injecting the reads with personal anecdotes and humor (when possible). Our aim is to support products and services that allow us to sincerely communicate our positive experiences with them, as our listeners are accustomed to an authentic, honest conversation in each episode.
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